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Russia is considering canceling visas for several African countries

Russia is considering canceling visas for several African countries.
Moscow is preparing agreements on a visa-free regime with nine countries in Africa and the Middle East, according to Alexei Klimov, head of the Consular Department of Russian diplomacy.
The timeline for finalizing the agreements remains uncertain, as negotiations with partner countries are progressing at different stages.
Klimov assured that updates on advancements in this area would be shared once they are formalized in documented bilateral agreements.
Previously, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced that Russia was in talks to simplify visa regimes with several African nations, including Zimbabwe.
Moscow already has visa-free regimes with Angola, Mozambique, Malawi, São Tomé and Príncipe, Tunisia, and Morocco.
Russia has been making inroads in Africa, particularly in Sahel countries that have experienced coups.
